Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and would like to assure you about the steps we are taking to ensure your privacy. The personal data or information collected by us shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with applicable Indian Laws, including applicable laws with respect to data privacy.
Your Information
We collect only such personal information from you that we consider necessary for giving you a safe and customized experience.
What we do with your Information
Primarily, we use your information to identify you as a user of the website and for maintaining and building the database of users and communicating to them news and information, however, we may also use this information to do internal research on your interests and behaviour to better understand, protect and serve your needs.

As we are committed to protect your privacy, under no circumstance do we rent, trade, share or divulge your personal information in any other way with any other organization for their marketing purposes without your consent, except where we may be required to do so by law or when we have good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process. We may also disclose personal information in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.
Your Consent
By providing your personal information, you consent to the use of the information collected through a questionnaire, application, form or similar document or service for feedback on Safe Space India in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this Privacy Policy.
Access To Your Personal Information
If you need to update your personal information in our records (e.g. if you change your address), please provide the updated details at the relevant place to enable us to keep updated records. We shall not be responsible for the authenticity of any personal information supplied to us by you.
Use of Cookies
Safe Space India may use cookies or web beacons to store personal information, only for the purpose of updating user preferences and to ensure fast loading of pages. Appropriate web tools maybe used for statistical information and web reports.
Data Security
Being a valued client to us, we ensure the protection of your personal information. To prevent unauthorized access, we have implemented physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Though our Website has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control yet we cannot guarantee its security. Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server. Documents are delivered to you either via priority mail or via e-mail.
Communication and/or transaction through the Website
All communications on and transactions emerging from Safe Space India is strictly between the parties between whom such communication and/or transaction has taken place. Safe Space India, its agencies and technology partners assume no liability or responsibility of any nature whatsoever as regards the accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness, timeliness or otherwise of any of the communication and/or transaction taken as a result of accessing the Website. Safe Space India, its agencies and technology partners also assume no responsibility as regards the quality, standard, authenticity, suitability, durability, etc. or otherwise of the content posted by its visitors/members on the Website. Safe Space India shall not be, in any way, responsible or liable for breach of any terms as may be agreed upon by and between parties.
As per the policy, we reserve the right to display your name and such other information/basic details as may be required to identify you as a member of our Website. If you choose to post messages on our Discussion Forum, or update your member profile, we will collect the information provided to us. We retain this information as necessary to provide customer support and troubleshoot problems as permitted by law.
Links to Third-Party Sites
Our Websites include links to other websites, whose privacy practices may be different from those of Safe Space India’s. If you submit Personal Information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any website you visit or use while getting an access to our Website. Moreover, ads appearing on our Website may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. “Cookies” are small text files transferred by a web server to your hard drive and thereafter stored on your computer. The types of information a cookie collects include the date and time you visited, your browsing history, your preferences, and your username. We cannot control or access cookies used by third-party service providers. This Privacy Policy covers only Cookies used by us, and not those which are used by third parties. You have the ability to either accept or decline the use of cookies on your computer, whether you are registered with us or not. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by Safe Space India.
We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy from time to time, and at our sole discretion. We will post any changes or update to this Policy on this webpage. It is recommended to the users to periodically review the policies and make note of any changes that may have been made by us. Your continued use of the Website, following changes to the Privacy Policy, will constitute your acceptance of those changes. We may also limit the Website’s availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction we choose, at any time and in our sole discretion.
Dispute Resolution
Any disputes regarding the privacy policy and use of this website are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai to the exclusion of all other courts in India.
Information Retention Period
We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required by law.
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